[Commercials I like]Mint Mobile

Miss Hercules
5 min readAug 4, 2020

I have used T-Mobile, AT&T, Sprint in the past, I need a decent amount of data and I don’t want to spend three digits on my phone plan every month. I have been switching between carriers trying to find one with the best price/performance ratio. I found Mint Mobile last year and I have been lovin’ it and never looked back.

I like Mint Mobile not only because of their great phone plans, but I actually like their ads too! (BTW I am not sponsored by Ryan Reynolds, nor do I have any personal relations with Ryan Reynolds, but if you happen to see this Ryan, my cell phone number is (213)….wait, I guess you know it already)

CASE 1 — Power Point Ad

I love this ad. I think it is an brilliant ad! Not only the plot, the word but also being an actor himself, Ryan acted really well in the commercial. His tone, facial expression and body language were all at right time, he’s got the beat.

Hey there, it’s Ryan Reynolds. New owner of Mint Mobile. A few weeks ago, we were in the middle of shooting an epic first commercial, let’s take a look.

That’s as far as we got before…so instead of using the magic film, we are gonna use the magic of the slides…Let’s go to scree
notice that cute film name LOL

That’s as far as we got before…so instead of using the magic film, we are gonna use the magic of the slides…Let’s go to screen share.

Let’s first look all the files on his Desktop.


Name of third daughter

Thoughts on time travel

Escape Plan.pgn



Just Friends 2

Books to say I’ve read


Favorite Colours — from the spelling, who wrote this ad must be British?



The second slide is a classic self-deprecating joke.

Pretty sure this guy would approve. And because he is public domain we can say that without any fear of legal action.

Every presentation needs next steps, uh… here are mine.

Next slide is a thank you slide.

With a mint field background.

There are actually like 45 more.

And here is a puppy. Which is…I just thought she was cute.

Let’s see what else we got here.

proceeds to click on a random video on his Desktop.

— “You! are a total F**k”


Closes the video immediately.

Proceeds to click on another random video.

— “I am so proud of you!”

“Hi Mommy…I wonder how she’s doing…Oh right Mother’s Day…F**k!”

The end.

This Ad is around 1:26 minute, short but every second, every image is sick! It is so funny and creative, I think the biggest reason why it is so impressive is

  1. Use power point instead of film. A in-person power point presentation by a celebrity/owner is more effective and personal than big film ads.
  2. Self deprecating jokes make Ryan Reynolds more reachable and likable. They also shortened the emotional distance between him and ordinary people. We don’t see him as a rich celebrity who has high social status, we see him as one of us.
  3. Sarcasm. Every presentation has a Thank you slide. Every Presentation needs next steps.
  4. Dark Humor. He forgot mom’s day until he saw his mom’s video.

CASE 2 — Voice Mail Ad

One day in March, I opened my voice mail as usual. “You have one voice message”:

“Hey, it’s Ryan Reynolds, owner of Mint Mobile. First, I just want to leave you this voicemail to say how much we appreciate you and wanted to make sure that you knew that during this difficult time you can get free, unlimited data if you need it. Just go to mintmobile.com for all the details.”

Wow I just got a voice mail from Ryan Reynolds! And the message didn’t stop here.

“Mostly though, I’m a little bored. About a week ago, I made a list of all these things I was going to do during quarantine and so far I’ve done, like, none of them!”

Tell me how many people relate to that! I don’t know about you but this message feels extremely personable. Especially during quarantine, we sometimes just lost touch with other human beings. Knowing that not just us, but celebrities are experiencing the same thing makes us feel less alienated.

In this message Ryan Reynolds basically said 3 things.

  1. I am the new own of Mint Mobile in case you don’t know it yet
  2. Tell you about Mint Mobile’s Unlimited Data Charity(aka Promotion)
  3. I am bored during quarantine just like the rest of you

It is a short around 1 minute voice mail but it sends a clear message and does its job perfectly. I am not aware of this advertisement strategy. Are there other companies doing the same thing as well? It looks original and creative to me.

Also Mint Mobile has a straight forward catch phrase: 15$ a month.

And a cute avatar — Mint Fox

I think Mint Mobile has a talented ad team and hope to see more of their Ads/Arts!



Miss Hercules

I take my whiskey neat, my coffee black and my bed at 3